When you decide to separate from your partner, it’s important to look at how a divorce lawyer in Lake Forest, IL can assist you with all that has to be done. Every divorce is different. As such, there will be some considerations to review.
Separation of Property
There may be a lot of property that has been accumulated throughout your marriage. If it is a no-contest divorce, separating out the property may be easy. You will need to consider who gets the marital home, how any savings gets divided, and even how debt is divided. While it’s easy to say that everything gets split 50/50, that is not always the case. The presence of a prenuptial agreement may cause a strife within the separation of property. There may also be some assets that belonged to one party before the marriage.
Alimony Calculation
In some instances, alimony may be awarded to one party. This is often if one person was not working throughout the marriage. The alimony may last for a set amount of time or be ongoing until the other party decides to get remarried. Your lawyer in IL will be able to calculate the alimony so that it is fair for both parties.
Child Custody
If you have children from the marriage, child custody will need to be established. In addition to deciding who will have primary custody, you will also need to review a parenting plan and have child support payments calculated. A divorce lawyer in Lake Forest … Read More