3 Ways a Divorce Lawyer Can Assist You

When you decide to separate from your partner, it’s important to look at how a divorce lawyer in Lake Forest, IL can assist you with all that has to be done. Every divorce is different. As such, there will be some considerations to review.

Separation of Property

There may be a lot of property that has been accumulated throughout your marriage. If it is a no-contest divorce, separating out the property may be easy. You will need to consider who gets the marital home, how any savings gets divided, and even how debt is divided. While it’s easy to say that everything gets split 50/50, that is not always the case. The presence of a prenuptial agreement may cause a strife within the separation of property. There may also be some assets that belonged to one party before the marriage.

Alimony Calculation

In some instances, alimony may be awarded to one party. This is often if one person was not working throughout the marriage. The alimony may last for a set amount of time or be ongoing until the other party decides to get remarried. Your lawyer in IL will be able to calculate the alimony so that it is fair for both parties.

Child Custody

If you have children from the marriage, child custody will need to be established. In addition to deciding who will have primary custody, you will also need to review a parenting plan and have child support payments calculated. A divorce lawyer in Lake Forest … Read More

When To Hire A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Work-related injuries can be difficult to take care of. There are a lot of legal issues at hand that have to be worked out. A lot of people think they might be able to handle their workers’ comp case on their own. This is a mistake that can lead to loss of employment and no compensation for your injuries. After getting injured, it is crucial to not waste time contacting reputable workmans comp lawyers , such as one found at www.jamesphoffman.com. They will be able to advise you on the best way to approach your case.

Employer Denies Claim

If your employer accepts your workers’ comp claim, you will be good to take care of the issue on your own without any issues. However, many employers might fight the claim. This is when you will need to hire a lawyer to help you fight for what you deserve after getting injured.

Employer’s Settlement Isn’t Enough

Another reason to hire a lawyer is when your employer offers you a settlement that won’t cover your medical bills or lost wages. When you don’t feel your settlement is fair, do not take the chance of the workers’ comp lawyer being on your side. Even though settlements have to get approved by the judge, they will often simply approve any settlement that is not contested or grossly unfair.

Injuries Keep You From Working

When you sustain injuries that make it difficult to go back to work, you need a lawyer to help get you … Read More

How to Handle Your Divorce (Without Killing Your Ex)

It’s over. You’re separating from your spouse. While you might feel a little bittersweet, the divorce proceedings don’t have to hurt in the same way. Here are just a few tips for handling your split as painlessly as possible.

Divide Your Assets by Value

Instead of agreeing that you’ll each take a certain number of items from the kitchen or bathroom, try to divide your assets based on value. This will stop lopsided divisions where one person gets the TV while the other person is left with the crumbling cases of old DVDs. If you assign everything a price tag, you can make sure that you both get your money’s worth.

Keep Your Cool

There’s no use in playing the blame game. It’s done. It’s finished. You won’t score any points by getting your ex to admit to faults or wrongdoings. Instead of trying to be “right” one last time, focus on emotionally detaching yourself from the situation and keeping a cool head. Let your ex snarl if they want to; you’re saving your energy for more important things.

Hire a Lawyer

You and your ex should both hire a divorce lawyer. They’ll advocate for your interests while also helping you to navigate the complicated waters of legal representation. Just make sure that you’re choosing a reputable firm; a good Tampa divorce lawyer will take a little time and effort to find. Don’t hire the first person to pop up in a Google search.

Never Involve Your Kids

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