Accident On The Job
If you received an injury while working on the job, you may be eligible for receiving worker’s compensation. However, the laws governing this issue can sometimes be difficult and easy for the worker to be tugged around until they don’t end up with any money. As such, it’s imperative that you hire a workers compensation lawyer San Antonio. J.A Davis has a team of dedicated attorneys eager to make sure that you don’t miss out when it comes to worker’s compensation.
In order to receive worker’s compensation, a few stipulations have to be met. First, the employer you’re looking to collect from had to be the same employer where you were working when the accident occurred. This can also include part-time employees. Second, that employer has to have worker’s compensation insurance. Finally, the injuries you received in the accident must have happened at the place of employment and the injuries must have either been sustained or developed as a result of your job.
Possible Denials
Even if you met all of these qualifications, there’s a chance that your claim for worker’s compensation may still be denied. Some of those instances may be that you failed to file your paperwork in the given time according to Texas law. This is when a lawyer is especially handy. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what you need and when you need to send that information, so you’re not denied simply because you missed a date. You may … Read More