At some point, children want the freedom and responsibility of completing certain tasks on their own. Walking and riding alone in a community are signs of maturity. Parents know that there is always a risk of their little ones becoming involved in a pedestrian accident Orlando FL; however, ties have to be cut at some point. Before releasing the reins, be sure to teach the following four safety protocols.

1. Keep Eyes Forward
Vision is a defensive skill. Don’t take eyes off the road or path. Walkers must prepare for unexpected cars and travelers. Model this behavior as you head out to school together. Remind your companions that they should avoid staring down at the ground as they walk.
2. Listen to Surroundings
Often, sounds occur before sights come into view. If a car is speeding around a corner, the engine is often noticeable first; therefore, instruct kids to be vigilant of strange noises, ready to get out of the way when necessary. In addition, create a rule banning headphones during a walk. It’s best to never block anything out.
3. Follow Local Rules
Understand your area’s laws. Go through the region together several times. On these jaunts, point out various traffic signs. Be sure to explain why these notices are posted, what they mean and what are the consequences of not obeying them. Encourage crossing only in designated zones, following the flashing lights and respecting crossing guards.
4. Wear Bright Colors
At times, young ones may return home at night. Once the sun goes down, the chances of an incident increase. Bring up the risks of evening movement. It’s harder for drivers to see, so wear light, reflective clothing. Emphasize the idea of sticking out, not blending in.
Your little ones are growing up, and they may desire to strike out on their own. Don’t send them off unawares. Arm youngsters with the knowledge to keep themselves safe.