Over half of all two-vehicle motorcycle crashes occur at intersections. While junctions are already considered a hot-spot for accidents, the smaller relative size of motorcycles and the lack of outer protection can mean a higher risk for collision and more severe repercussions.

Small Visual Profile, More Line-of-Sight Obstacles
Even motorists who are diligent about watching their surroundings on the road can have a difficult time seeing motorcycles at intersections. The average size of passenger vehicles seems to be on the rise, and when a big SUV is sitting in the middle of a crossing, it can be very easy to miss a biker on the other side with the right-of-way.
Unfortunately, a common contention of the personal injury attorney Detroit is that most drivers aren’t even looking for motorcycles as they go about their day behind the wheel. Here are a few frequent causes for car-motorcycle collisions:
1. Distraction and Impairment
Cell phones, GPS devices and thousands of music selections at the touch of a button often do little more than pull a driver’s awareness away from traffic. Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol can also make impaired motorists forget that they should be looking for more hazards than just other cars.
2. Failure to Observe Rules
Sometimes, self-absorbed drivers simply don’t acknowledge that others may have the right-of-way. Combined with a higher likelihood of a motorcycle being obscured by intersection fixtures or other vehicles, these motorists have a higher chance of colliding with a biker.
3. Speeding Through Signals
When drivers approach signals that are about to turn red and decide to try and beat them, they generally speed up and focus only on getting through the intersection. This combination can be lethal for a motorcyclist entering or in an intersection at that moment.
Bikers understand that their choice of transportation carries an inherent risk of injury and usually take precautions to avoid injuries. However, drivers should be aware of and follow the rules of the road, so they don’t make intersections any more dangerous than they already are.